Updated 15 September 2022
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, as well as other bugs, we require your help and cooperation.
Please read all information before your appointment.
Ear Hygiene Clinic Study Day
As there was no conference in 2020 due to COVID-19, we instead organised our own Ear Hygiene Clinic Study Day, with each nurse choosing an ear related topic to present to the group!
Preparing Children's Ears
Our nurses can remove wax or objects from the ears of young children, but sometimes a little preparation is needed before we see them.
Ear Wax Removal
The best solution for a wax blockage in the ear canal is removal through microsuction, a far more efficient solution to any prescribed medicated ear drops, irrigations or powders
"Surfer's Ear"
Is water starting to be trapped in your ear? Do your ears hurt in cold wind?
Surfers, swimmers, sailors, windsurfers, kayakers, cyclists, hikers and others who spend time around cold wind and/or water
Spider in the ear!
While this may be a nightmare-come-true to those of us who don’t like spiders, our patient believed it was a moth in his ear and googled his options before coming to us at the Ear Hygiene clinic.
Cleaning children's ears
One of the most frequent questions we are asked is if our nurses can remove wax or objects from the ears of young children - and the answer is yes!
Sinus rinses: How to clear congestion
At the Ear Hygiene Clinic, we see many clients with "blocked ears" when, after discussion, it's likely to be sinus related.
How to put oil in your ear
"Should I put oil in my ears before I come for my visit?"
Read how to put oil in an ear here:
Aural Dermatitus
People who get dermatitis in their ears say their ears feel itchy and scaly, and sometimes experience discomfort or even some weeping from the canal.
What is ear candling and does it work?
A blocked ear can be a huge source of frustration for many people, such a frustration in fact that people are willing to go to great lengths to fix it.
Workplace Visit
The Ear Hygiene Clinic nurses were asked to visit a call centre in Canterbury to treat a number of their staff that had always wanted to get their ears checked and cleaned.
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