About Us

Ear Hygiene Clinic 154

20 years of better ear hygiene

Two decades ago Jane Rees, a registered nurse, discovered the need for a better private ear cleaning solution in Canterbury instead of patients having to go to their GP. Over the last 20 years, she’s built herself as a leader in ear hygiene, bringing the benefits of microsuction to thousands of Cantabrians.

What started as a one-off service in Ferrymead has spread to eight other ear hygiene clinics throughout Christchurch. Our team and client base has grown significantly over the years, but we have the same focus we had back in 2004; to make ear hygiene services accessible for all who need them.

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Meet Our Clinic Staff

Michelle - Receptionist
Michelle - Receptionist
Ear Hygiene Clinic 122

Our support team

At each of our Ear Hygiene Clinics, you’ll be greeted by our friendly and knowledgeable team, who will help you feel at ease before your treatment.

If you have any queries about your procedure, either in advance or following it, feel free to approach them so that they can help alleviate any concerns or questions.

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Ear hygiene is an essential investment for your overall health